Friday, February 12, 2010

Isn't it true that the average citizen doesn't know jack sh*t about global warming?

We go on what scientists tell us, and there are scientists on both sides saying different things. How do we know the truth? How are we supposed to vote for someone on their global warming stance when we really don't have a clue who's right. Isn't it true that the average citizen doesn't know jack sh*t about global warming?
Meteorologists can't even predict the weather for the next day accurately. In 1974 we were expected to brace for the coming ice age. Isn't it true that the average citizen doesn't know jack sh*t about global warming?
Another case of herd mentality, similar to the Messiah's minions, clueless. Al Gore id in the process of making millions off of both the american people and american industry, He's getting legislation that will require payment for some bull s--- carbon footprints. Even Big Al can not control natural occurring events like warming trends and now they predict an ever increasing cold era. Something about a 26K year axis adjustment of our North and South poles. Lets see Gore explain this. He refuses to discuss anything concerning earth's warming or cooling. He's just a shyster, who wants to make a cheap score. Sad.
Well im not a scientist but i can tell that global warming is very real and I know there are certain things that a senator, congressman, president...etc. I believe that the way to fix this problem or at least help it starts with the average citizen such as cut down on driving if you dont have to drive dont solar panels do work they are pricey but you make that money back in 3 years. So take what you want from this but the best thing to do is to start at home.
Yes and yes, but the scientists that say there is no global warming always seem to be geologists working for oil companies or coal companies. We have even invented a new field of science for them - Enviromental Geology.

I have an enourmous online library available at my university and I have spent a great deal of time looking for credible articles that would dissuade you from believing that Global Warming is real or that it is caused by man. I have found none.

The problem we are having is that reputable sources want to be paid for allowing you to read their articles while oil, gas, and coal companies will pay to have garbage put every place they can get it. It took 50 years to get the cigarette companies to admit nicotine was addictive and that cigaretes are bad for your health.
Read Clark's Law and Asimov's corollary.

Whether either side is right or wrong, can we afford to gamble and do nothing or continue down the path we have been? Nearly every industry that has recognized it was causing some sort of pollution has been able to make money off the waste products. They just need the push to do the right thing which is odd when you think about it. The exception seems to be the coal industry. Now the Dept. of the Interior is going to let them dump slag into rivers! Let's hope that can be reversed quickly.
The average??? Quite a lot of people out there don't know nothing about global warming, you can tell by the way we still abuse this wonderful world of ours, change is a hard thing to do for a lot of people they just don't get it, its not us it will be our children and their children future we playing with, scientists? ummmmm .. makes me wonder what they really know and are doing about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! make your own mind about it, browse on the web, read books.....our weather can tell you that things are getting bad for one thing...
When there is a dispute, I think its best to use common sense. Its 27 degrees F here. Which is pretty cold for this time of year. My common sense tells me that I don't have to worry about the ice melting at the north pole. The truth is that global warming is all about control and raising taxes.
We just need to be smarter with how we do things. I don't buy into global warming so much; however, I do buy into the fact that we need to be more environmentally friendly and all.

We should all have our own take on issues because for all we know, everything around us could be lies.

I think it's hilarious when I read a Q or A here stating unequivocally that global warming is/isn't fact and anyone who doesn't believe their point of view is stupid.

The truth is no one knows for sure, and if top scientists disagree on it, how does the average Y!A idiot know for sure?

Global what?

Common Sense. Al Gore invented the internet. In order to support his invention, the world had to make tons of computers that are replaced every 2 years. All these computer have caused the warming.

Thanks Al for creating and solving your own problem. You are Superman.
What do we do when we fix this hoax.Once we have fluorescent light bulbs and windmills that are sitting idle because of a calm day.We will no longer have coal fired plants because Obama put them out of business.I hope we have global warming otherwise it is going to get cold on days like this.
Global warming is BS. All the scientists saying that it is man made are all on government payrolls. Of course they say its real, if they didn't, they would be out of a job. Come on people, stop drinking the Al Gore kool-aid, the debate is never over.
It doesn't matter what they are told, most people only care about what affects them and global warming is still too theoretical for the average citizen. They've already forgotten about the possibility of $5/gallon gasoline.
global warming is a hoax.climate change is always changing.did we cause it the 1970's they said we were heading into a ice age.then al ';i invented the internet'; gore came along,and the sheep fell into his spell.
I think people make up their own minds about it. I'm sure the average citizen who is concerned with global warming has read a thing or two about it.

As for voting....again, people believe what they want to.
Global warming bull to rip people for taxes and the liberal democrats can get richer. look at the hot year were having right now. with snow all over the world and those 200 whales stuck in ice in canada,. yeah its so hot
Global warming is a farcical political movement. There is no truth to it. MANY scientists reject it.
I still think I have more money than you...

I'm so rich, I pay people to pay my people's people. I could buy your company and I would still be richer than you and Willy Gates(Me and him are buddies) put together.
we know about holbal warming but what are the ways to protect us and how did it start.

we dont know all the answer we need to know. Nor does the goverment.
Truth is no ones knows jack about global warming.

Scientists have always been doomsayers.
NBC force feeds global warming like it's absolute fact.

Well guess what morons, use your brain and do some research.
There is enough for the average person to know whats going on
Oh God, we are doomed
I'm freezing
who cares

The thing is, there aren't scientists on both sides, not climate scientists. The problem is, if you get your news from Fox or Rush or emails, you may *think* that there are scientists on both sides, but that's total bullshit.
Are you saying that scientists don't know anything?

Ooh sure. People who have studied the topic more than YOU don't know anything.

Sorry, but, I'll take their word for it over yours ANY day.
READ some books. More than one.

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