Sunday, February 7, 2010

Activist are the only true citizens of a democracy , why ?

a democracy is based on citizen getting involved like the are doing with the Obama campaign.

a nation run by the people, for the people. activism is how the people rule a democracy !

Republicans preach smaller governments. but i rarley see republicans becoming activist. do they just want smaller governments without actually getting involved in society ?

.Activist are the only true citizens of a democracy , why ?

Activists are nothing more than people pushing their political opinions.

And there are Republicans who go out and 'give back' to society. They simply tend to be more low-key about it and prefer to do so in a local and non-political manner.Activist are the only true citizens of a democracy , why ?
Because ever so many aspects of our life are controlled by corporate decisions that have no democratic component, it may be that the only real democrat is the shareholder who pays attention to what the corporation is doing, and gives it a lot of guidance.

People who participate in local government, in local political parties... not so much to help them win elections, but to guide their policies and candidate selection process, even if it is just a silent participation, are all taking part in the democratic process.

Getting involved in local credit union or school board, trade union, hospital board... these are all part of the democratic process, and may be more useful than just political activism.

Come to think of it, even political activists need a lot of non-activists involved in the process, to get their take on things, even if they do not always want to hear it.
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Getting involved takes on all forms including the troops who fight for your right to be ';activist'; to those who work and pay taxes so that this ';democracy'; can continue, without those taxpayers who may be Democrat, Republican or like myself an Independent.... what do you have?

My bet is that you are 17 or so, once you get and hold down a job for a few years your statement of ';activist are the only true citizens of a democracy'; will seem like a silly phase you went through. By the way I am but 29 and a few years out of college but it seems worlds away.
The main differences between the philosophies of Democrats and Republicans is whether or not the government should run society. Democrats tend to favor a government-run solution for social problems, while Republicans tend to look more to local communities and private organizations to solve them. I know plenty of Republicans who are activists, but they work through private charities and through their churches rather than through government campaigns and organizations.
We are not a democracy. We are a Republic. There is a big difference.

The nation is run by an elected few by the majority of the people. The best way to get involved, is to help out in your community.
Democracy is rule by majority vote, so a voting citizen is participating in democracy as much as any activist. All activists do is try to direct people where to place their votes.
They're not. If someone told you they are, they're either ignorant, joking, or lying.

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