Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true that if a US citizen marries an immigrant that person becomes a citizen?

Immigrant is defined by US law as everyone who is not a US citizen, and it doesn't matter if they ever go to America or not. You would think you would be able to get your spouse naturalized automatically or at least had the right to do it, but that is not true. Years of trying to get my family to America has taught me this.

In fact, the immigration process becomes even more difficult for immigrants trying to go to America who are married to a US Citizen. It is nearly impossible for them to even get a non-immigrant visa, because marriage to a US Citizen is a cause to believe you have criminal intent, and proving otherwise is very very difficult.Is it true that if a US citizen marries an immigrant that person becomes a citizen?
Yes The American Only Wants Immigrants For The Passport's Of The Who Ever Person Is But Like I'm Brazilian And If I Marie With An American And I get The American Passaport Ok So If A Europen Marrie With An Chinshiese Person Hel Get The China Passaporte... So you Can't Get Control Of the People So I Think That's The Right Thing TO Do so People can Go To Other's People Conutry'sIs it true that if a US citizen marries an immigrant that person becomes a citizen?
Actually, citizenship is the easiest part of the whole process, as long as you don't have a criminal record. Yes, there are forms to fill in and fingerprints to be taken, but as it is a requirement of citizenship that you be a Legal Permanent Resident first for five years (in the case of marriage to a US citizen, three years) most of the tough form-filling has been done.
No that is no longer true. In fact there is an almost ban on such citizenship at the moment. A person who marries an American becomes eligible for citizenship by that marriage. This is outside normal quotas or most other qualifications to apply for US citizenship. It does not guarentee citizenship. There are thousands of spouses of Americans who cannot get US citizenship. Many Americans have had to move abroad to be with their spouse because of this. It might be a background issue or it might just be a clerk having a bad day and taking it out on anybody unfortunate enough to cross their beurocratic path.

A spouse of a US citizen has to apply for citizenship. They have to meet a large number of criteria to even get as far as the interviews. Many forms later and after interviews to make sure that the marriage is not a scam to illegally get a person into the country the spouse then becomes an applicant. After five years in the US on a marriage visa and if still married to the US citizen they can then take the last step and become a US citizen.
yes it's true but it won't happen over nite my friend is married to a mexican and they have been trying for two years. Right now it's even harder with bushes new immigrant laws
Basically, yes. However, there is still a process of paperwork, and legalizing you, that must be accomplished. You can't just marry a citizen and walk in. Immigration will constantly give you surprise visits to check your condition's of marriage, making sure that your marriage is legitimate, and you didn't marry just to become a citizen. You will be questioned thoroughly many times, and it will take up to at least a year, until you are deemed a true citizen.

If there were any monies exchanged by either of you to each other, it will be thought of as payment to the citizen to get you into America. If one does that, it will be found out by Immigration. Fair warning.
first become a resident and after 5 year can apply for citizen ship
yes if she/he so desires after a certain amount of time that is necessary and after some kind of interview process that the ins(immigration naturalization services) will have to do, and then you can apply for your naturalization to become a citizen of the greatest country on earth, the U. S. OF A.
Like the answers ahead of mine, it is not automatic, but it will be a little easier. You'll both still have to go through all the immigration procedures, but as a spouse, you have a US sponsor and the process goes a ';little smoother';.
A US citizen could sponsor the spouse. So could a US citizen sponsor a sister or brother.
NO! NO! Not only no but the US citizen will have to fill out forms and other stuff to have the person come over legally. If the person is already here legally and wants to be a US citizen then they must have lived in the country legally for the last five years. Before they can start the paper work to get them citizenship.
After you get married the citizen must file for a visa and permant residence and pay all the fines and doctors appointment. It took my husband 5 years to get his 10 year citizenship plus $3000.00 for dr and fines. So it really isn't that easy..

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